zaterdag 18 maart 2017

Superbowl nr. 3 - Red berries all over!

This one is one of my favorites! I make it a lot of time. It's fresh, it's healthy and it's suuuuper delicious, loaded with red berries and again soms banana.

- Milk (1,5dl) or Yoghurt (125ml)
- Mixed red fruits (40g + 1tbs)
- 1/2 Banana
- Almonds
- Honey or Agave Syrup
- Granola (homemade or bought)

  • Cut the banana in pieces and mix it in a blender with the milk/yoghurt, the red fruit (40g) and the honey or Agave syrup
  • Pour the mixture in a bowl and garnish with the the remaining berries (1tbs), the granola and the almonds

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